Time-Tables (Odd Semester 2021-22) for First Year Students
- Revised First Semester Time-tables (Effective from 3rd January 2022): (uploaded on 2nd January 2022)
- B. Com. (H)
- B. Com.
- B. A. (H) Political Science
- B. A. (H) Hindi
- B. A. (H) English
- B. A. Programme
- B. Sc. (H) Statistics
- B. Sc. (H) Mathematics
- B. Sc. (H) Computer Science
- B.Sc. (H) Environmental Sciences
- B. A. (H) Applied Psychology
- B. A. (H) Philosophy
- B. A. (H) Economics
- B. Voc. Banking Operations
- B. Voc. Software Development
- Generic Electives
- If a first year regular student is facing any difficulty in joining the online classes, then he/ she can join the WhatsApp group:https://chat.whatsapp.com/F5blefAzNAP3sFbcuL40sn
- Microsoft IDs of First Year Students after 5th Cut-off (Part-5)(uploaded on 18th December 2021)
- Microsoft IDs of First Year Students after 5th Cut-off (Part-4) (uploaded on 8th December 2021)
- Notice for students admitted after 5th Cut-off (Payment Done during 25-30 November 2021) (uploaded on 5th December 2021)
- Microsoft IDs of First Year Students after 5th Cut-off (Part-3) (uploaded on 1st December 2021)
- List of students in AECC in BA (H) Hindi and BA (H) Political Science, 1st Semester (uploaded on 30th November 2021)
- Urgent Notice for students who have not selected their GE/ AECC (uploaded on 30th November 2021)
- Notice for PMSSS Students (uploaded on 29th November 2021)
- Generic Elective Time-Table for first semester (uploaded on 29th November 2021)
- List of Students in Generic Elective, 1st Semester (uploaded on 29th November 2021)
- List of Students in AECC in BA Programme, 1st Semester (uploaded on 28th November 2021)
- Notice for students admitted after 5th Cut-off(Payment Done during 20-24 November 2021) (uploaded on 28th November 2021)
- Important Notice regarding names of students in AECC & Generic Elective(uploaded on 27th November 2021)
- Notice for students admitted after 5th Cut-off (Payment Done during 16-19 November 2021) (uploaded on 25th November 2021)
- Procedure to join classes on Microsoft Teams(uploaded on 22nd November 2021)
- Microsoft IDs of First Year Students after 5th Cut-off (Part-2) (uploaded on 22nd November 2021)
- First Semester Time-tables: (uploaded on 21st November 2021)
- B. Com. (H)
- B. Com.
- B. A. (H) Political Science
- B. A. (H) Hindi
- B. A. (H) English
- B. A. Programme
- B. Sc. (H) Statistics
- B. Sc. (H) Mathematics
- B. Sc. (H) Computer Science
- B.Sc. (H) Environmental Sciences
- B. A. (H) Applied Psychology
- B. A. (H) Philosophy
- B. A. (H) Economics
- B. Voc. Banking Operations
- B. Voc. Software Development
- Schedule and Procedure to join the Orientation Programme (22nd November 2021) (uploaded on 20th November 2021)
- Microsoft IDs of First Year Students after 5th Cut-off (Part-1) (uploaded on 20th November 2021)
- Notice regarding Selection of AECC and Generic Elective by students (admitted till 5th Cut-off) (uploaded on 20th November 2021)
- List of Students in English Language through Literature and English Fluency till 5th Cut-off(B.Com., 1st Semester) (uploaded on 20th November 2021)
- List of Students in Hindi-A and Hindi-B till 5th Cut-off (BA Programme, 1st Semester) (uploaded on 19th November 2021)
- Microsoft IDs of First Year Students till 5th Cut-off(uploaded on 18th November 2021)
- Notice regarding Microsoft Teams Platform (uploaded on 17th November 2021)
- Notice regarding updating customized student portal (till 5th Cut-off) (uploaded on 16th November 2021)
- College Roll Numbers of First Year Students Admitted in 2021-22 (till 5th Cut-off): (uploaded on 16th November 2021)
- B. Com. (H)
- B. Com.
- B. A. (H) Political Science
- B. A. (H) Hindi
- B. A. (H) English
- B. A. Programme
- B. Sc. (H) Statistics
- B. Sc. (H) Mathematics
- B. Sc. (H) Computer Science
- B.Sc. (H) Environmental Sciences
- B. A. (H) Applied Psychology
- B. A. (H) Philosophy
- B. A. (H) Economics
- B. Voc. Banking Operations
- B. Voc. Software Development
- Notice regarding College Roll Numbers of First Year Students (2021-22) (uploaded on 16th November 2021)
- Notice regarding Orientation Programme for newly admitted first year students in Academic Session 2021-22 (uploaded on 12th November 2021)
- FAQs regarding AECC (2021-22) (uploaded on 12th November 2021)
- FAQs regarding Generic Electives (2021-22) (uploaded on 12th November 2021)
- List of papers in First Semester (2021-22) (uploaded on 12th November 2021)
- Overall Structure of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) (uploaded on 12th November 2021)
- Notice regarding commencement of classes for newly admitted first year students in Academic Session 2021-22 (uploaded on 12th November 2021)
Time-Tables (Odd Semester 2021-22) for Second Year Students
- List of students in third semester (uploaded on 30th October 2021)
- Sections in SEC: E-Commerce in B.Com. (H), 3rd Semester (uploaded on 15th August 2021)
- Sections in Hindi-B in BA Programme, 3rd Semester (uploaded on 15th August 2021)
- Class-wise Time-Tables, Third Semester: (uploaded on 15th August 2021)
- B. Com. (H)
- B. Com.
- B. A. (H) Political Science
- B. A. (H) Hindi
- B. A. (H) English
- B. A. Programme
- B. Sc. (H) Statistics
- B. Sc. (H) Mathematics
- B. Sc. (H) Computer Science
- B. Sc. (H) Environmental Science
- B. A. (H) Applied Psychology
- B. A. (H) Philosophy
- B. A. (H) Economics
- B. Voc. Banking Operations
- B. Voc. Software Development
- List of Students in optional papers for third semester (2021-22) (uploaded on 14th August 2021)
- Notice regarding Optional Papers for third Semester (2021-22) (uploaded on 11th August 2021)
- Tentative Course Structure for third Semester (2021-22) (uploaded on 10th August 2021)
- Notice regarding commencement of third semester classes (2021-22) (uploaded on 10th August 2021)
Time-Tables (Odd Semester 2021-22) for Third Year Students
- Revised Class-wise Time-Tables, Fifth Semester: (uploaded on 15th August 2021)
- Sections in Generic Elective: Principles of Microeconomics in B.Com., 5th Semester (uploaded on 19th July 2021)
- Sections in DSE: Financial Markets, Institutions and Services in B.Com. (H), 5th Semester (uploaded on 19th July 2021)