Time-Tables (Odd Semester 2020-21) for the newly admitted first year students (First Semester)
- Notice for students admitted in Third Special Cut-off
- Revised Class-wise Time-Tables, First Semester (effective from 4th January 2021):
- B. Com. (H)
- B. Com.
- B. A. (H) Political Science
- B. A. (H) Hindi
- B. A. (H) English
- B. A. Programme
- B. Sc. (H) Statistics
- B. Sc. (H) Mathematics
- B. Sc. (H) Computer Science
- B.Sc. (H) Environmental Studies
- B. A. (H) Applied Psychology
- B. A. (H) Philosophy
- B. A. (H) Economics
- B. Voc. Banking Operations
- B. Voc. Software Development
- GENERIC ELECTIVES (For Honours Courses)
- Notice for students admitted in Second Special Cut-off
- Notice regarding Generic Elective and AECC (for students who have still not given their options)
- Notice for students admitted in Special Drive Cut-off
- Notice for students admitted in Seventh Cut-off
- Choices made for GE/ AECC by Students admitted after 5th Cut-off
- Notice for students (who have taken admission after 5th cut-off) regarding Roll Numbers/ Online Classes/ Student Portal/ Selection of GE/ AECC
- List of Students in AECC for BA (H) Hindi/ BA (H) Political Science/ BA Programme (First Year)
- AECC Time-Table for BA (H) Hindi/ BA (H) Political Science/ BA Programme (Effective from 4th December 2020)
- List of Students in Generic Electives (First Year)
- Generic Elective Time-Table (Effective from 2nd December 2020)
- Notice for Newly Admitted Students in Ward Quota/ Special Cut-off/ PMSS/ FSR
- Roll Numbers and Time-Table of BMS, 1st Semester
- Notice regarding Student Portal and selection of optional papers (AECC and GE) by First year Students
- Urgent Notice for first year students who have not signed in into the Microsoft Teams
- Notice regarding Orientation Programme and Online Classes for BMS
- Procedure to join the Orientation Programme (20th November 2020)
- Sections of Hindi-A/ Hindi-B in BA Programme, 1st Semester
- Sections of English Language through Literature and English Fluency in B.Com., 1st Semester
- Class-wise Time-Tables, First Semester:
- B. Com. (H)
- B. Com.
- B. A. (H) Political Science
- B. A. (H) Hindi
- B. A. (H) English
- B. A. Programme
- B. Sc. (H) Statistics
- B. Sc. (H) Mathematics
- B. Sc. (H) Computer Science
- B.Sc. (H) Environmental Studies
- B. A. (H) Applied Psychology
- B. A. (H) Philosophy
- B. A. (H) Economics
- B. Voc. Banking Operations
- B. Voc. Software Development
- College Roll Numbers of First Year Students Admitted in 2020-21 (till 5th Cut-off):
- B. Com. (H)
- B. Com.
- B. A. (H) Political Science
- B. A. (H) Hindi
- B. A. (H) English
- B. A. Programme
- B. Sc. (H) Statistics
- B. Sc. (H) Mathematics
- B. Sc. (H) Computer Science
- B.Sc. (H) Environmental Sciences
- B. A. (H) Applied Psychology
- B. A. (H) Philosophy
- B. A. (H) Economics
- B. Voc. Banking Operations
- B. Voc. Software Development
- Notice regarding Microsoft Teams Platform for conducting Orientation and Online Classes (uploaded on 18th November 2020)
- The students of First Year (who have taken admission in Ramanujan College in the session 2020-21) and wish to make a change in the Mobile Number or E-Mail ID registered with the University of Delhi, can fill the google form
- Syllabus of Generic Elective Papers (uploaded on 13th November 2020)
- Orientation Programme Schedule (uploaded on 12th November 2020)
- List of Papers in B.Voc. in First Semester (uploaded on 12th November 2020)
- FAQs regarding Generic Electives (GE) (uploaded on 11th November 2020)
- FAQs regarding AECC (uploaded on 11th November 2020)
- List of Papers in First Semester (2020-21) (uploaded on 11th November 2020)
- Overall Structure of Choice Based Credit System (uploaded on 11th November 2020)
- Notice for Newly Admitted First Year Students Regarding Syllabus and Classes (uploaded on 11th November 2020)
Time-Tables (Odd Semester 2020-21) for Second and Third Year Students
- Notice regarding teams/ classes in the Microsoft Teams Account of the students (uploaded on 10th September 2020)
- Notice Regarding New Time-table from 1st September 2020 (uploaded on 31st August 2020)
- Sections in Optional Papers
- Time-Tables (Odd Semester 2020-21): Effective from 1st September 2020 (uploaded on 30th August 2020)
- B.Com. (H): Third, Fifth
- B.Com.: Third, Fifth
- B.Sc. (H) Computer Science: Third, Fifth
- B.Sc. (H) Mathematics: Third, Fifth
- B.Sc. (H) Statistics: Third, Fifth
- B.Voc. Banking Operations: Third, Fifth
- B.Voc. Software Development: Third, Fifth
- BA (H) Applied Psychology: Third, Fifth
- BA (H) Economics: Third, Fifth
- BA (H) English: Third, Fifth
- BA (H) Hindi: Third, Fifth
- BA (H) Philosophy: Third, Fifth
- BA (H) Political Science: Third, Fifth
- BA Programme: Third, Fifth
- BMS: Third, Fifth
- List of optional papers selected by BA Programme, 5th Semester students (uploaded on 29th August 2020)
- List of Optional Papers selected by the students (uploaded on 29th August 2020)
- List of Students who have not filled the optional paper form (uploaded on 26th August 2020)
- Notice regarding new time-table effective from 01-09-2020 (uploaded on 25th August 2020)
- Procedure of Selection of Optional Papers in Academic Session 2020-21 (Odd Semester) (uploaded on 21st August 2020)
- Selection of Optional Papers in Second and Third year (uploaded on 17th August 2020)
- Course Structure in Odd Semester 2020-21 (uploaded on 15th August 2020)
Instructions for Students to Login to Microsoft Teams
- Use the username and password provided to you by the College. Check your SMS for the same.
2. If you have laptop, then access Microsoft Teams first time using laptop. After that you can access through Mobile also.
3. Only some Mobiles are creating the problem of signing in error. Prefer Laptop for the first time.
4. If you do not have laptop and your mobile is having signing in error, then you can either share your credentials with your friend with laptop for first time sign in. Else you can contact us, we will do your first time sign in.
5. You can also try opening Microsoft Teams in your mobile Chrome Browser by switching to desktop mode.
6. It may be possible that some students still face problems in login. Such students can mail their query at the email address: onlineclasses@ramanujan.du.ac.in
- Guide to login and join video class in Microsoft Teams (uploaded on 9th August 2020)
- Notice regarding Time-Tables and Adoption of Microsoft Teams Platform for Online Teaching (uploaded on 7th August 2020)
- Time-Tables (Odd Semester 2020-21): Effective from 10th August 2020 (uploaded on 6th August 2020)
- B.Com. (H): Third, Fifth
- B.Com.: Third, Fifth
- B.Sc. (H) Computer Science: Third, Fifth
- B.Sc. (H) Mathematics: Third, Fifth
- B.Sc. (H) Statistics: Third, Fifth
- B.Voc. Banking Operations: Third, Fifth
- B.Voc. Software Development: Third, Fifth
- BA (H) Applied Psychology: Third, Fifth
- BA (H) Economics: Third, Fifth
- BA (H) English: Third, Fifth
- BA (H) Hindi: Third, Fifth
- BA (H) Philosophy: Third, Fifth
- BA (H) Political Science: Third, Fifth
- BA Programme: Third, Fifth
- BMS: Third, Fifth
- Commencement of Online Classes from 10th August 2020 for third and fifth Semester Students (uploaded on 31st July 2020)
- List of Teacher-in-charges for the Academic Session 2020-21 (uploaded on 29th July 2020)
- Online Classes for Third and Fifth Semester Students wef 4th August 2020 (Tuesday) (uploaded on 27th July 2020)