Ramanujan College

University Of Delhi

NAAC Grade A++ with CGPA 3.71

रामानुजन महाविद्यालय

दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय

सीजीपीए 3.71 . के साथ एनएएसी ग्रेड ए++

Girl Up Ramanujan

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Girl Up was founded by the United Nations Foundation in 2010 in Washington DC. It is a global movement of empowered young women leaders who defend gender equality. Girl Up gives girls the resources and the platform to start a movement for social change, wherever they are through leadership development training. Girl Up works as a global community of partners to achieve gender equality worldwide and it is honourable to be associated with this global community and have gotten a platform where real changes can be made.

Girl Up Ramanujan is the latest endeavour by a group of dedicated students of Ramanujan College. It is an attempt at making the society a better place for everyone else to reside in. The team aims to empower and get empowered in the process. Being an influencer for a change across the globe is not enough; the club also offers some extra incentives and resources for which makes it different from other gender equality movements. Girl Up Ramanujan is established with the strong determination of the students to bring a change both at college and social level at large.


  • Advocacy: Girl Up is an initiative which was started and is backed by United Nations Foundation, working with the aim of achieving a sustainable, 100% Gender neutral society. The club aims to make its little contribution towards achieving the organisational goals.
  • Expansion: Girl Up Ramanujan started its functioning in April 2019, being the first from University to join in for the cause the team has been constantly working towards making people know more about it and join the initiative. The club is now a part of Delhi Coalition of Girl Up, taking the name of the club forward Vanshika Arora, the president is leading Delhi Coalition’s Advocacy Team.
  • Growth for all: the team share a common believe that each one should get the chance to learn and grow as an individual self. Keeping this in mind the club comprises of only a few dedicated members, timely responsibility will
    allow the members to learn at each and every step and be more confident as they perform. And with the collective effort of these members GU Ramanujan aims to mobilise the benefits of all the activities so that it reaches the maximum number of students in the college.
  • Wide range of activities: The society plans to take up activities in all diversified fields like outreach programs, fundraisers, seminars and panel discussion. This will allow individuals to explore and deal in all aspects and with
    all kind of people. They will enhance their skills as managers, mediators, and volunteers.

Report 2019-20