Departmental Activities for 2019-2020
- A lecture was conducted on “Significance of Dragonflies and Damsel flies – Their declining status in the Metro Cities” by Mr. Nikhil from WWF India, on 13th August 2019 for the students of commerce and Philosophy. The objective was to aware students about the role of Dragon and Damsel flies as the predator of mosquitoes and how significant they are to the ecosystem.

- A special lecture on “Paper recycling and its importance” with respect to today’s waste production was conducted by Mr. Vivek, Co-Founder. Jaagruti-Waste Paper Recycling Company, 19th September 2019 in association with Tatva: Eco Club for the students of BMS and Psychology, Ramanujan College, Kalkaji. The rate at which waste is being produced in cities it is the need of the hour to sensitize students that how they can contribute in waste management by knowing about recycling methods.

- Letter of Understanding was signed between Ramanujan College and WWF-India in the month of September 2019 for its youth engagement programme ECHO under WWF Volunteers’ that aims to create Environment Conservation Heroes in colleges across the country through bridging the gap between environmental awareness and conservation action.
- “Cleanliness Drive” was organized on 7th November 2019 in Deshbandhu College, adjacent to Ramanujan College to make the premises cleaner and greener and to bring a sense of responsibility among the students towards the society and environment.
- An academic program “Triathlon of Knowledge-3” in association with Tatva: the Eco Club was organized on 19th October 2019. The theme of the event was “Water Scarcity” wherein the emphasis was on the grim condition of water resources across the globe. Declamation and Quiz rounds were part of the activity.

- Disposal of Bio-medical Waste generated from Medical Room, Ramanujan College was done through Biotic Solutions Pvt. Ltd., GT Karnal Road, Delhi, in the month of November 2019 to create a proper channel for waste disposal.
- A lecture on “Gender and Environment” was organized on 13th February 2020 for the students of B.Sc. (H) Statistics and B.Sc. (H) Mathematics. Dr. N. Samantha, Associate Professor, Department of English, Ramanujan College was the resource person for the talk. His talk enlightened the students about the relationship between Gender and Environment, thereby highlighting how gender plays an important role in shaping the Natural Environment.

- An “e- waste awareness programme” was organized on 18th February 2020 by Karo Sambhav, a Producer Responsibility Organization followed by a quiz for the students of B.A (H) Political Science and B.A (H) English. The aim of the programme was to sensitize the students about the increasing menace of electronic waste being generated and transported in India and its related health and environmental hazards.
- A Sustainability week was organized by the Department of Environmental Studies in association with Tatva: Eco Club of Ramanujan College from 24th – 28th February 2020. The aim of this event was to promote the idea of sustainability and sustainable development. Various inter college competitions were organized along with a Nature Trail to promote the concept of sustainability among the students.
- An Inter-College Annual Departmental fest ‘Rangarang 2.0’ and ‘Projection 2.0’ was organized by the Department of Environmental Studies in association with the Department of Mathematics and Tatva: Eco Club of Ramanujan College on 2nd March 2020. Its aim was to promote Interdisciplinary events and to amalgamate the ideas of Nature, Environment and Mathematics on a single Platform.

- A Two Day International Webinar was organized on “Revisiting Human Rights, Ethics and Environment” in collaboration with the Deptt. Of Philosophy and Centre for Human Rights Studies under the Teaching Learning Centre on 6th-7th August 2020 through zoom platform.