Ramanujan College

University Of Delhi

NAAC Grade A++ with CGPA 3.71

रामानुजन महाविद्यालय

दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय

सीजीपीए 3.71 . के साथ एनएएसी ग्रेड ए++

Department of Environmental Studies

As per the UGC (20th Nov. 2014) and Supreme Court of India notification, the subject of Environmental Studies was introduced as a compulsory and qualifying course for all the first year students of all the undergraduate courses under University of Delhi.

Home / Department of Environmental Studies

Department of Environmental Studies


Environmental awareness, education and meaningful action for a desirable and healthy environment. To work to promote significant social and environmental change towards the creation of a more equitable and sustainable college through imaginative and critical thought and concerted action.


To work towards environmental alertness, sustainability, community sensitization and inculcation of individual accountability for their actions. To combine the assets and activities of the faculty of Environmental Studies and the college to provide analytical education and action on critical and changing environmental issues.


  • Enhancement of environmental consciousness and action.
  • To develop a sense of accountability and respect towards natural resources.
  • To make students understand the multidisciplinary approach of the environment
  • Make them aware of national and global environment scenario.
  • To correlate subject with the respective streams and establishing logical correlation for future sustainability.
  • To establish linkage with various stakeholders and their interface at one common platform.