The Department of English, Ramanujan College will be organizing the following programmes in the month of January 2018:
- A talk on “Introducing Latin American Literature: With Special reference to Pablo Neruda and Garcia Marquez” on 8th of January 2018 (Monday) at 12 noon by Prof. Shyamaprasad Ganguly, retired Professor from the Centre of Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Latin American Studies School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies (CSPILAS), Jawaharlal Nehru University.
- A Get together with the Alumni of Department on 13th of January, 2018 (Saturday) at 11.30 am. The get together will be followed by an interactive session with the alumni and the present final year students.
- An illustrated lecture on “A Short History of Western Art” on 15th of January, 2018 (Monday) at 12.15 pm. Venue of all Programmes: Seminar Hall, New Building.
Upcoming Programmes: