Centre for Ethics and Values (CEV) at Ramanujan College, University of Delhi was established in 2010 with active involvement of the College Principal. CEV was created with an objective of functioning as a Resource Centre for imparting values-based education to students and professionals. The role of CEV was envisaged as creation of awareness in the learners’ community that skills and ethical values are essentially complementary. CEV is engaged with rigorous investigation of ethical issues, enlightened dialogue and the dissemination of knowledge that will lead to informed moral choice. Housed in the Ramanujan College of the University of Delhi, CEV consists of a Patron, a Director, Teacher members, Student leaders and an Advisory Committee drawn from the university and the community.
The centre publishes volumes of ‘International Journal of Applied ethics’that has created virtually an intellectual hub for the intelligentsia and the youth in the areas of ethics, education, social responsibility and transformation. Participants found excellent opportunities for presenting new research, exchanging information, resolving contemporary issues and contemplating future challenges.

Achievements and Events in last two years:
- 5th International Conference on “Social Responsibility: The ethicaldimensions” on 12th- 13th March 2016
- First Ethics conclave in 2017 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi on “Role of Universal Ethics in Higher Education Teaching “
Ramanujan College: On a Glorious Path (A Perspective Document)
Future Programs
Specific activities envisaged for the future include:
- Engagement with the senior citizens at Old Age Home and with the destitute children.
- ‘Ethics Audit’ by the interns of Ethical Management.
- Formation of the 4-H club (Head, Hand, Heart, Health)by interns of the CEV.
- Adoption of a more than 100 years old tree as ‘Ramanujan Tree of Wisdom’.
- Preparing innovative resource material for value education and applied ethics, such as monographs, books, journals, newsletters, video films, practical training modules.
- To undertake research in the area of “Applied Ethics and Human Values”.
- To promote Business/Professional Ethics among students through case studies.
- Organizing workshops to train teachers of various institutions in this field
- Liaison with various organizations engaged in similar activities.
- Organizing Symposia, Seminars, and Short-term Courses on relevant topics to promote awareness on such issues among students and professionals.
- To help the academic community to develop appropriate academic programs for sensitizing students towards value education and professional ethics.
- Organizing training and induction programs under the aegis of Teaching Learning Centre of the college sponsored by the Ministry of Human Resource Development.