Annual Alumni Meet 2024
Dear Alumni,
Alumni Association of Ramanujan College is delighted to invite alumni and their families to the Annual Alumni Meet on February 3, 2024 (Saturday) 4 P.M. onwards.
Venue: Ramanujan College, G-18B, CR Park Main Rd, University of Delhi, Block H, Kalkaji, New Delhi, Delhi 110019. Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/F3Az8y7zgDu4F3u4A?g_st=ic
Let’s all catch up on the old times and walk down the memory lane. We would certainly want your continued and valued association with our esteemed institute.
Alumni of Ramanujan College and Deshbandu College (Evening) from 1958 onwards are invited.
Register for the Annual Alumni Meet 2024 and become lifetime member of the Alumni Association! ✨
Link: https://ramanujanalumni.com/
Further details will be shared soon!!
Alumni Association
Ramanujan College
President: Dr. Anshika Aggarwal
Vice President: Mr. Vikas Kumar
Secretary: Ms. Ishwanik Kaur
Member: Mr. Rajesh Yadav
Member: Mr. Ravindra Singh Bisht
Email: alumni@ramanujan.du.ac.in
Contact: 9310227892
Website: http://ramanujanalumni.com/